2014 Booking Form

Tcopy-copy-yeti_at_night.jpghe 2014 Booking Form is now available to download.

Bookings from members will be accepted from 1 March, and from guests from 1 April.  Please note that I can only process bookings for 6 consecutive nights or more from 1 March.

From 1 April, it is open slather, and guests can book too.

2014 Winter Tariff

In order to recognise the club's 50th Anniversary again, the Board has decided to keep the 2014 winter tariff the same as for 2013. This will provide some savings for all our members, especially for those with families planning their holidays down at the snow.

Free Summer Nights

Another 50th Anniversary present was the Board's decision to offer any financial member 2 free nights during the summer season.  We have already had members using this credit, and enjoying the lodge with their families.

The summer season covers Easter. So, if you want to get down to the lodge during the Easter holidays, then you could use your credits then.

The summer season tariff extends through to early June, so there is time for anyone wanting to use those free nights.



Summer Bookings Now Open

Summer at Mt Kosciusko

Bookings for the summer season are now open.

The Board has decided on the summer tariff, and the Bookings Form has been updated and is now available for people wanting to secure a spot during the summer holidays.

The Vacancies page has also been updated to illustrate what rooms are available during the coming summer season.

If you have any queries, get in touch with Peter Monaghan, our Bookings Manager.

Still More Snow

The mighty Olympic.
Image supplied courtesy of Perisher Ski Resort.

More snow fell last night. Perisher are reporting that over half a meter of new snow has fallen during this last week.

The forecast is for more snow Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The lodge is fully booked this weekend, but there are rooms available during the week, and on the weekend of 16, 17 & 18 August. Check Vacancies page, or contact the Bookings Manager.

Its snowing!

Photo courtesy of Laura Knapman

Photo courtesy of Laura Knapman

There has been 38cm of new snow fall this weekend. And it is forecast to keep falling all week.

If you are keen, there are some beds available this week.  Just check the Vacancies page.